Why java.util.Arrays uses Two Sorting Algorithms

java.util.Arrays uses quicksort (actually dual pivot quicksort in the most recent version) for primitive types such as int and mergesort for objects that implement Comparable or use a Comparator. Why the difference? Why not pick one and use it for all cases? Robert Sedgewick suggests that “the designer’s assessment of the idea that if a programmer’s using objects maybe space is not a critically important consideration and so the extra space used by mergesort maybe’s not a problem and if the programmer’s using primitive types maybe performance is the most important thing so we use the quicksort”, but I think there’s a much more obvious reason.

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A Square Is Not a Rectangle

The following example, taken from an introductory text in object oriented programming, demonstrates a common flaw in object oriented design. Can you spot it?

public class Rectangle {

  private double width;
  private double height;

  public void setWidth(double width) {
    this.width = width;

  public void setHeight(double height) {
    this.height = height;

  public double getHeight() {
    return this.height;

  public double getWidth() {
    return this.width;

  public double getPerimeter() {
    return 2*width + 2*height;

  public double getArea() {
    return width * height;

public class Square extends Rectangle {

  public void setSide(double size) {


(I’ve changed the language and rewritten the code to protect the guilty.)

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Imagine There’s No Null

A couple of weeks ago I spent a considerable amount of time chasing down bugs involving null in a large code base: null checks after a variable had already been dereferenced, nulls passed to methods that would immediately dereference them, equals() methods that didn’t check for null, and more. Using FindBugs, I identified literally hundreds of bugs involving null handling; and that got me thinking: Could we just eliminate null completely? Should we?

What follows is a thought experiment, not a serious proposal. Still it might be informative to think about it; and perhaps it will catch the eye of the designer of the next great language.

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Prefer Multiline if

C-family languages including Java, C#, and C++ do not require braces around single line blocks. For example, this is a legal loop:

for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) process(args[i]);

So’s this:

for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) 

However both of these are very bad form, and lead to buggy code. All blocks in C-like languages should be explicitly delimited by braces across multiple lines in all cases. Here’s why:

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Java is Dead! Long Live Python!

Version 3.0 of Python has been released. Notably Python has again done something Java has long resisted: it has broken backwards compatibility with Python 2.x. Notable fixes include a much saner string processing model based on Unicode. I am told by my Pythonista colleagues that a lot of other weirdnesses such as the print operator and the meaning of parentheses in except clauses have been cleaned up as well. Though I don’t expect all Python programmers to upgrade immediately (and version 2.x will be maintained for some years to come) version 3.0 is clearly a simpler, better, saner language than version 2.x that will enhance productivity and make programmers’ jobs more fun. Bravo for Python. This is clearly a living, evolving language.

Java by contrast, is dead. It has at least as much brain damage and misdesign as Python 2.x did, probably more; yet Sun has resisted tooth and nail all efforts to fix the known problems. Instead they keep applying ever more lipstick to this pig without ever cleaning off all the filth and mud it’s been rolling in for the last 12 years. They keep applying more perfume when what it really needs is a bath.

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