“Is A” vs. “Represents A”

We’ve all had the distinction between “Is A” and “Has A” in object oriented programming drilled into us. “Is A” relationships call for inheritance. “Has A” relationships call for delegation. Some theorists will even bother to distinguish between “Is A” and “Is a Role Played By“. However, recently I’ve been wondering about the distinction between real “Is A” and “Represents A” relationships, and I wonder if it may help explain some otherwise confusing points.

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I’m in process of migrating this site to a new (and cheaper) host than GCP. This is not a quick or easy operation. More thoughts on that later. Meanwhile a few things are likely to be wonky. In particular:

1. Fixed – No SSL/https until the domain is migrated to a new registrar (about two weeks)
2. Fixed – IPv6 still goes to the old site.
3. Single page articles hit a critical error, perhaps due to an old theme that needs to be updated. Investigating…

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