Different Styles of Dependency Management
Recently I was hacking out a quick Python script. Everything was fine until I needed to import one common third party library and then Boom! I was dropped head first into the messy chain of Python dependencies, weak typing, virtual environments, and conflicts. I couldn’t even install the necessary library with pip. I’d just get an unintelligible hash of error messages and stack traces.
So off to DuckDuckGo I went to remind myself how one actually builds and packages real world Python programs that do more than print Hello World! It wasn’t pretty, and it took me quite a while to understand it. This was actually harder for me than it might have been for a newbie because I was so invested in the way Java manages dependencies. I’ve spent years working with dependency management in Java at a depth most developers never sink to. I’m an Apache Maven committer. I’ve rewritten most of their documentation about dependencies. I’ve written tools to analyze Java jars, dependency trees, and classpaths. I wrote or edited most of Google’s Java Library Best Practices. I’ve debugged many problems caused by Java class loaders. So I’ve got a pretty good understanding of how Java dynamically links third party dependencies.
But Python? Python doesn’t work like that. And neither does everything else.
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