
June 18th, 2008

Here’s part 11 of the ongoing serialization of Refactoring HTML, also available from Amazon and Safari.

This part’s a little funny because really it deserves an entire book on its own, and that book has yet to be written. I didn’t have space or time to write a complete second book about test driven development of web sites and web applications, but perhaps this small piece will inspire someone else to do it. If not, maybe I’ll get to it one of these days. 🙂

In theory, refactoring should not break anything that isn’t already broken. In practice, it isn’t always so reliable. To some extent, the catalog later in this book shows you what changes you can safely make. However, both people and tools do make mistakes; and it’s always possible that refactoring will introduce new bugs. Thus, the refactoring process really needs a good automated test suite. After every refactoring, you’d like to be able to press a button and see at a glance whether anything broke.

Although test-driven development has been a massive success among traditional programmers, it is not yet so common among web developers, especially those working on the front end. In fact, any automated testing of web sites is probably the exception rather than the rule, especially when it comes to HTML. It is time for that to change. It is time for web developers to start to write and run test suites and to use test-driven development.

The basic test-driven development approach is as follows:

  1. Write a test for a feature.
  2. Code the simplest thing that can possibly work.
  3. Run all tests.
  4. If tests passed, goto 1.
  5. Else, goto 2.

For refactoring purposes, it is very important that this process be as automatic as possible. In particular:

  • The test suite should not require any complicated setup. Ideally, you should be able to run it with the click of a button. You don’t want developers to skip running tests because they’re too hard to run.
  • The tests should be fast enough that they can be run frequently; ideally, they should take 90 seconds or less to run. You don’t want developers to skip running tests because they take too long.
  • The result must be pass or fail, and it should be blindingly obvious which it is. If the result is fail, the failed tests should generate more output explaining what failed. However, passing tests should generate no output at all, except perhaps for a message such as “All tests passed”. In particular, you want to avoid the common problem in which one or two failing tests get lost in a sea of output from passing tests.

Writing tests for web applications is harder than writing tests for classic applications. Part of this is because the tools for web application testing aren’t as mature as the tools for traditional application testing. Part of this is because any test that involves looking at something and figuring out whether it looks right is hard for a computer. (It’s easy for a person, but the goal is to remove people from the loop.) Thus, you may not achieve the perfect coverage you can in a Java or .NET application. Nonetheless, some testing is better than none, and you can in fact test quite a lot.

One thing you will discover is that refactoring your code to web standards such as XHTML is going to make testing a lot easier. Going forward, it is much easier to write tests for well-formed and valid XHTML pages than for malformed ones. This is because it is much easier to write code that consumes well-formed pages than malformed ones. It is much easier to see what the browser sees, because all browsers see the same thing in well-formed pages and different things in malformed ones. Thus, one benefit of refactoring is improving testability and making test-driven development possible in the first place. Indeed, with a lot of web sites that don’t already have tests, you may need to refactor them enough to make testing possible before moving forward.

You can use many tools to test web pages, ranging from decent to horrible and free to very expensive. Some of these are designed for programmers, some for web developers, and some for business domain experts. They include:

  • HtmlUnit
  • JsUnit
  • HttpUnit
  • JWebUnit
  • FitNesse
  • Selenium

In practice, the rough edges on these tools make it very helpful to have an experienced agile programmer develop the first few tests and the test framework. Once you have an automated test suite in place, it is usually easier to add more tests yourself.

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June 16th, 2008

Here’s part 10 of the ongoing serialization of Refactoring HTML, also available from Amazon and Safari.

There really are standards for HTML, even if nobody follows them. One way to find out whether a site follows HTML standards is to run a page through a validation service. The results can be enlightening. They will provide you with specific details to fix, as well as a good idea of how much work you have ahead of you.

The W3C Markup Validation Service

For public pages, the validator of choice is the W3C’s Markup Validation Service, at http://validator.w3.org/. Simply enter the URL of the page you wish to check, and see what it tells you. For example, Figure 2.1 shows the result of validating my blog against this service.

Figure 2.1: The W3C Markup Validation Service

This page is not valid XHTML

It seems I had misremembered the syntax of the blockquote element. I had mistyped the cite attribute as the source attribute. This was actually better than I expected. I fixed that and rechecked, as shown in Figure 2.2. Now the page is valid.
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Chapter 2: Tools

June 12th, 2008

Today we start Chapter 2 of the ongoing serialization of Refactoring HTML, also available from Amazon and Safari.

Automatic tools are a critical component of refactoring. Although you can perform most refactoring manually with a text editor, and although I will sometimes demonstrate refactoring that way for purposes of illustration, in practice we almost always use software to help us. To my knowledge no major refactoring browsers are available for HTML at the time of this writing. However, a lot of tools can assist in many of the processes. In this section, I’ll explain some of them.

Backups, Staging Servers, and Source Code Control

Throughout this book, I’m going to show you some very powerful tools and techniques. As the great educator Stan Lee taught us, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Your responsibility is to not irretrievably break anything while using these techniques. Some of the tools I’ll show can misbehave. Some of them have corner cases where they get confused. A huge amount of bad HTML is out there, not all of which the tools discussed here have accounted for. Consequently, refactoring HTML requires at least a five-step process.

  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Fix the problem.
  3. Verify that the problem has been fixed.
  4. Check that no new problems have been introduced.
  5. Deploy the solution.

Because things can go wrong, you should not use any of these techniques on a live site. Instead, make a local copy of the site before making any changes. After making changes to your local copy, carefully verify all pages once again before you deploy.
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Objections to Refactoring

June 10th, 2008

Here’s part 8 of the ongoing serialization of Refactoring HTML, also available from Amazon and Safari.

It is not uncommon for people ranging from the CEO to managers to HTML grunts to object to the concept of refactoring. The concern is expressed in many ways, but it usually amounts to this:

We don’t have the time to waste on cleaning up the code. We have to get this feature implemented now!

There are two possible responses to this comment. The first is that refactoring saves time in the long run. The second is that you have more time than you think you do. Both are true.
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June 9th, 2008

Here’s part 7 of the ongoing serialization of Refactoring HTML, also available from Amazon and Safari.

Representational State Transfer (REST) is the oldest and yet least familiar of the three refactoring goals I present here. Although I’ll mostly focus on HTML in this book, one can’t ignore the protocol by which HTML travels. That protocol is HTTP, and REST is the architecture of HTTP. (To be pedantic, REST is actually the architectural style by which HTTP is designed.)

Understanding HTTP and REST has important consequences for how you design web applications. Anytime you place a form in a page, or use AJAX to send data back and forth to a JavaScript program, you’re using HTTP. Use HTTP correctly and you’ll develop robust, secure, scalable applications. Use it incorrectly and the best you can hope for is a marginally functional system. The worst that can happen, however, is pretty bad: a web spider that deletes your entire site, a shopping center that melts down under heavy traffic during the Christmas shopping season, or a site that search engines can’t index and users can’t find.
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