
I’m in process of migrating this site to a new (and cheaper) host than GCP. This is not a quick or easy operation. More thoughts on that later. Meanwhile a few things are likely to be wonky. In particular:

1. Fixed – No SSL/https until the domain is migrated to a new registrar (about two weeks)
2. Fixed – IPv6 still goes to the old site.
3. Single page articles hit a critical error, perhaps due to an old theme that needs to be updated. Investigating…

From the logs

Error: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given
in /home/dh_6bkhzi/cafe.elharo.com/wp-content/themes/noam/single.php:68

The problem is in this code:

$modes = get_post_custom_values('mode');
if (count($modes) > 0) {
  $mode = $modes[0];

Possibly an issue in the new PHP version. I think it needs a null check. Looks like it’s this change.

Yep, that’s it. Fixed.

Next up I notice that there’s now a pointless link to the next post from the main index page. Need to figure out where that’s coming from and remove it.

OK, that was weird. I deleted Google Ads code and somehow that fixed it. Not sure I understand why or how, but I’ll take it.

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